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The latest music news


Use flyers with fonts from Nazi Germany

Bald children: Kanye West recruits for Sunday Service

Kanye West wants to recruit new Sunday Service members with a poster with Tannenberg font from Nazi Germany and is met with resistance from his fans.

@ picture alliance / AP Images / Invision / Evan Agostini


New hype

Aldi Tune: Supermarket relies on Autotune in brochure advertising

The group came up with something new for the weekly Aldi Nord advertising and hired musicians to musically present the products in the new brochure.

@ Austin Neill / Unsplash


Ex-tax lawyer blames him

Million dollar fraud: DJ Tiësto accused in court

Frank Butselaar, Tiësto's former tax lawyer, has been found guilty and suggests that the DJ settle the score.

@ picture alliance / Photoshot

Standoradio advertising



Government keeps files under lock and key

BND secret files: COVID from the Wuhan laboratory?

As early as 2020, the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) came to the conclusion that a laboratory accident in Wuhan was probably responsible for the spread of the corona pandemic.

@ picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress | Christoph Hardt / Geisler-Fotopress


Especially in women with eating disorders

New study: GNTM damages self-image

A new study from the University of Osnabrück shows: “Germany’s Next Top Model” can negatively influence the body image of female viewers.

@ picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress | Andre Havergo / Geisler-Fotopress


Sensual, but not revealing

“Harry Potter” star with fetish on OnlyFans

Actress Jessie Cave breaks with old role models and starts a new career at the age of 37 - on OnlyFans.

@ picture alliance / empics | lan West

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